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Ear Rongeurs

Ruskin Rongeur Curved 6" Double Action 3mm Bite

Hartman Rongeur 5 3/4" Curved 4x12mm Bite

Availability: In Stock

Ear Rongeurs are used for ear surgical procedures. The design of stainless steel provides non-corrosive, anti-bacterial, and rust-proof properties to have greater longevity. The unique design makes them suitable for multiple surgical procedures.

SKU: G19-183
Availability: In Stock

Ruskin Rongeurs are used for ear surgical procedures.

SKU: G24-360
Availability: In Stock

Hartman Rongeurs can be used in a variety of surgical procedures for bone gouging.

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$633.28 20% Off
$470.66 20% Off

Ear Rongeur is a highly versatile surgical instrument and used for ear surgical procedures. The instrument is manufactured in multiple variations to choose your choice's best choice, depending on the surgical need. It is manufactured from premium grade German surgical stainless material to reuse this instrument several times. The stainless instruments are sterilized easily. These instruments are widely preferred to perform a broad range of surgical operations. The instruments are all fine, durable, and sharp.

GerMedUSA offers an extensive range of rongeurs with multiple variations. Our versatile instruments are perfect to be a part of your amazing surgical kit for years. We can also design our surgeons' custom kit packs according to their needs. Millions of surgeons throughout the globe rely on and use our surgical instruments that set standards in the surgery field. We enable the world’s top care community to effectively manage their surgical practices and deliver quality care to patients.

Overall instrument length is 6" and features curved pattern double action with 3mm Bite. These variations accommodate multiple surgical procedures.

Additional Information

Material:Stainless Steel

Overall instrument length is 5 3/4" and features a Curved pattern with 4x12mm Bite. These features make this rongeur more suitable for multiple surgeries. 

Additional Information

Material:Stainless Steel


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