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We offer a broad range of nasal instruments designed for nasal surgeries. Some significant sinus surgery instruments are:

•    Gruenwald Nasal Punch
•    King Adenoids Nasal Punch
•    Meltzer Adenoids Nasal Punch
•    Nasal Antrum Trocars
•    Nasal Chisels
•    Nasal Curettes

We can also design our surgeons' custom kit packs according to their needs.

Gruenwald Nasal Punch  

Gruenwald Nasal Punch Forceps

The Gruenwald Nasal Punch Forceps are specially designed for procedures involving the nasal cavity. These are helpful in removing small pieces of tissue or cartilage with precision, making them ideal for procedures such as septoplasty or rhinoplasty.

Multiple SKUs Available

King Adenoids Nasal Punch  

King Adenoids Nasal Punch 4 11/32" Shaft Triangular 6mm Upper Jaw 7mm Lower

The King Adenoids Nasal Punch is designed to be used for adenoidectomy procedures to remove tonsils or infected adenoids. It features a bent shaft with a triangular upper jaw of 6mm and a lower one of 7mm.

$503.74 10% Off

Nasal Antrum Trocars  

Nasal Antrum Trocar

The Nasal Antrum Trocar is designed for maxillary sinus surgeries. It is also known as an "antrum cannula." It comprises a removable cannula over the trocar, allowing sinuses to wash out. This feature helps surgeons precisely penetrate the sinus cavity, making it ideal for sinusotomy or irrigation procedures.

Multiple SKUs Available

Nasal Chisels  

Nasal Chisels

The Nasal Chisels are specially designed plastic surgery instruments used in rhinoplasty and reconstructive procedures. The sharp edges of these chisels help cut through bone or cartilage with precision, making them ideal for procedures such as septoplasty.

Multiple SKUs Available

Nasal Curettes  

Faulkner Ethmoid Curette Sharp Sharp 9"

The Faulkner Ethmoid Sharp Curette is a double-ended instrument used in ethmoid sinuses surgeries. This 9” long curette features sharp loops on both ends that can reach deeper into the nasal cavity for curettage. The ring on one end is 7mm, while the other is 10mm.

$226.33 20% Off

Coakley Antrum Curette

The Coakley Antrum Curette is specially designed for procedures involving the maxillary sinus. It features a loop at the end that helps surgeons scrape and remove diseased or infected tissue from the sinus cavity with precision. Also, available in a Set of 6 instruments.

Multiple SKUs Available

Nasal Elevators  

Nasal Elevators

The Nasal Elevators are designed to lift and support the nasal tissues with the help of a tether strap. These double-ended elevators have sharp and blunt blades to accommodate different nasal surgical procedures. They are available in multiple variations to meet surgeons' requirements.

Multiple SKUs Available

Nasal Forceps  

Jansen Bayonet Forceps Serrated 7 1/2"

Jansen Bayonet Forceps are specially designed thumb forceps helpful in nasal procedures. Their delicate structure helps place the packing in the nasal cavity. The German stainless makes them reusable after sterilization.

$57.91 10% Off

Nasal Forceps

The Nasal Forceps are used to access the nasal cavity during rhinoplasty. They help surgeons remove foreign objects from the nasal cavity. We offer multiple sizes and design variations of these forceps to accommodate the surgeons' requirements.

Multiple SKUs Available

Hartman Herzfeld Forceps

The Hartman Herzfeld Forceps are specially designed for holding delicate tissues during procedures involving ear and nasal pathologies. These forceps have alligator-shaped serrated jaws that provide a firm grip on tissues without causing any damage.

Multiple SKUs Available

Rubin Septal Morselizer

The Rubin Septal Morselizer is an ENT instrument used in rhinoplasty and nasal constructive procedures. It features deeply serrated jaws, which help surgeons masticate the septal cartilage and reduce the risk of damage to surrounding tissues.

Multiple SKUs Available

Bruening Septum Forceps

The Bruening Septum Forceps are used in nasal procedures to manipulate and grasp delicate tissues. These are helpful in rhinoplasty and nasal constructive procedures for removing tissue or bone material around the bony nasal septum.

Multiple SKUs Available

Gruenwald Nasal Punch Forceps

The Gruenwald Nasal Punch Forceps are specially designed for procedures involving the nasal cavity. These are helpful in removing small pieces of tissue or cartilage with precision, making them ideal for procedures such as septoplasty or rhinoplasty.

Multiple SKUs Available

Luc Septum Forceps

Our Luc Septum Forceps are designed to remove tissue or bone material during a rhinoplasty and nasal construction.

Multiple SKUs Available

Watson Williams Nasal Polyp Forceps

Watson-Williams Nasal Polyp Forceps are used in nasal pathological procedures. These instruments are delicate to remove the nasal polyp endoscopically.

Multiple SKUs Available

Noyes Alligator Forceps

The Noyes Alligator Forceps are specially designed instruments used in ENT procedures to manipulate and grasp delicate tissues or foreign objects. With their long and narrow jaws, these forceps resemble an alligator's mouth, making them ideal for use in nasal, sinus, or ear surgeries.

Multiple SKUs Available

Hartman Nasal Dressing Forceps

Hartman Nasal Dressing Forceps are surgical instruments used to place or remove nasal dressings during nasal surgery. The forceps are designed with serrated jaws that can easily fit into the nostrils, allowing for precise placement or removal of the dressings.

Multiple SKUs Available

Struycken Cutting Forceps

The Struycken Cutting Forceps are specially designed for cutting polyps and retrieving biopsies in nasal polypectomy. With their alligator-shaped jaws, these forceps help remove the tumors that can cause infection in the nasal cavity.

Multiple SKUs Available

Wilde Blakesley Ethmoid Forceps

The Wilde-Blakesley Ethmoid Forceps are used in cutting polyps during nasal reconstruction. These are available in multiple variations, all made from premium-grade German surgical stainless material. This makes them reusable after sterilization.

Multiple SKUs Available

Takahashi Ethmoid Forceps

The Takahashi Ethmoid Forceps is a specialized surgical instrument designed for ethmoid surgeries. These forceps feature a slim, delicate design, allowing surgeons to grasp and remove the ethmoid tissue securely.

Multiple SKUs Available

GerMedUSA Alligator Forceps 3 ¼” Cup

The Micro Cup Shaped Alligator Forceps are ideal for surgically removing ossicles from the ear cavity. They feature delicate, cup-shaped jaws that fit the shape of ossicles. We have three variations available for these specially designed forceps.

Multiple SKUs Available

GerMedUSA Alligator Forceps 3 ¼” Serrated Jaw

GerMedUSA Alligator Forceps are ENT instruments. They feature angled shanks with serrated jaws and a finger ring handle for easily opening and closing the beaks. With these forceps, surgeons can efficiently remove foreign objects, granulation tissue, and cerumen.

Multiple SKUs Available

Blakesley Nasal Cutting Forceps 5 1/2" Straight

Designed for controlled and accurate nasal bone cutting, these 5 ½” long forceps are helpful in correcting nasal deformities, addressing fractures, or accessing deeper structures. The unique design of the forceps with one fenestrated jaw and one cup-shaped assist in efficiently retrieving tissue samples for diagnosis.

Multiple SKUs Available

Blakesley Nasal Cutting Forceps 45 Degree

Blakesley Nasal Cutting Forceps 45 Degree are specially designed to aid ENT surgeons in intricate nasal and sinus procedures. Their 45-degree jaws enhance access and visibility in hard-to-reach areas, like under the turbinates and near the sphenoid bone.

Multiple SKUs Available

Nasal Gouges  

Nasal Gouges

Nasal gouges are surgical instruments for precise incisions and tissue removal during nasal surgery. These instruments are durable, reliable, and designed for accuracy. For surgeons' needs, we offer these gouges as Freer Septum Gouge and West Bone Gouge.

Multiple SKUs Available

Nasal Knives  

Converse Bistouri Knife With Button End Curved Blade 4X35mm 6"

Converse Bistouri Knife is used for splitting or cutting hollow structures or cavities. This nasal knife is made from premium-grade German surgical stainless steel.

$102.36 20% Off

Ballenger Swivel Knives

The Ballenger Swivel Knife features a sharp, angled blade that swivels to provide excellent maneuverability and control during nasal procedures. It allows surgeons to dissect delicate bodily structures with precision and accuracy.

Multiple SKUs Available

Joseph Nasal Knives

The Joseph Nasal Knife is an innovative tool designed for precision cutting in nasal surgeries. This knife features a sharp, narrow blade that allows surgeons to make precise incisions with ease. The round grooved handle of the instrument ensures a comfortable grip for greater accuracy and control during rhinoplasty.

Multiple SKUs Available

Freer Nasal Knives

The Freer Nasal Knives are specially designed for cutting mucosa and cartilage in septoplasty. They feature a D-shape blade that ensures precise dissection of delicate nasal tissues. Their ergonomic designs prevent damaging the tissues and encompassing structures.

Multiple SKUs Available

Joseph Nasal Knives Curved

The Joseph Nasal Knives Curved are surgeons’ hand extensions in rhinoplasty procedures (nasal reconstruction). These are helpful in making cuts and transfixion incisions with accuracy and efficiency. Surgeons can get these knives in multiple variations to fulfill their needs.

Multiple SKUs Available

Nasal Osteotomes  

Nasal Osteotomes

The Nasal Osteotomes are ergonomically designed for hump reduction. It features a razor-sharp edge that helps surgeons cut and excise osseocartilaginous tissues. The solid, smooth surface makes this instrument more ergonomic.

Multiple SKUs Available

Nasal Retractors  

Cottle Joseph Retractor Two Sharp Prongs 12mm Wide 5 1/2"

The Cottle Joseph Retractor is a double-ended surgical instrument commonly used in rhinoplasty and nasal surgeries to aid in the retraction of nasal tissues and cartilage.

$90.25 20% Off

Cottle Ball End Retractor Two Ball Prongs 6 1/2"

The Cottle Ball End Retractor is a surgical instrument that is used to hold tissue out of the way during procedures. The retractor features two ball-shaped prongs at the end of a long, slender handle.

$90.25 20% Off

Nasal Rongeurs  

Citelli Nasal Rongeurs

The Citelli Nasal Rongeurs are specially designed to reduce the nasal hum and obtain the tissue sample for biopsy in septorhinoplasty. Its angled jaws help access the confined areas. Moreover, it features a double-spring system for improved functionality and extra safety.

Multiple SKUs Available

Hajek Rongeurs

The Hajek Rongeur is designed to assist surgeons in cutting and removing small pieces of tissues and bones in laminectomy surgeries. It comprises a large handle and thin footplates that make it well-suited for narrow spaces, such as a vertebral column.

Multiple SKUs Available

Kerrison Rongeurs

The Kerrison Rongeur is designed to remove bones from tighter or smaller areas in nasal procedures. It is also helpful for decompression and stenosis of the suprascapular nerve decomposition surgeries. The rongeur is made from premium-grade German surgical stainless for improved durability.

Multiple SKUs Available

Nasal Saw  

Joseph-Maltz Nasal Saw

The Joseph-Maltz Nasal Saw is a surgeon's hand extension in otolaryngology procedures, such as when performing dorsal hump reduction in rhinoplasty. It has an ergonomic structure for cutting bony tissues and other structures for smoothness.

Multiple SKUs Available

Nasal Scissors  

Douglas Nasal Scissors 7" With 1 3/4" Working Length

Douglas Nasal Scissors are used in the surgeries like rhinoplasty and endo-nasal surgeries. The scissors are available in several variations.

$101.41 20% Off

Knight Nasal Scissors Angled On Side 6 3/4"

Knight Nasal Scissors are made to use in nasal turbinate reduction surgeries. The scissors come in several variations to assist the users.

$275.41 20% Off

Heymann Nasal Scissors 6 3/4" Angled On Side - Round Blades,

Heymann Nasal Scissors are made to assist in nasal aperture, and it has 6 Âľ" length and round blades for smoother cutting.

$103.30 20% Off

Sealy Dissecting Scissors

Sealy Dissecting Scissors are quite versatile, and they can easily separate the tissues. It is built with German stainless.

Multiple SKUs Available

Glassman Dissecting Scissors

Glassman Dissecting Scissors are made to assist in several surgeries for separating the delicate tissues without hurting the nearby tissues.

Multiple SKUs Available

Joseph Nasal Scissors

Joseph Nasal Scissors are made to dissect and cut several tissues that are in narrow spaces. It has a unique design.

Multiple SKUs Available

Aufricht Nasal Scissors

Aufricht Nasal Scissors are suitable to assist in rhinoplasty and endonasal surgeries. These scissors have German stainless material.

Multiple SKUs Available

Nasal Skin Hooks  

Joseph Hook Sharp Single Prong 6" 1/2

Joseph Skin Hook is often used handheld retractor to hold back the skin during intranasal and pharyngeal surgery procedures.

$76.47 10% Off

Nasal Snares  

Krause Nasal Snare

The Krause Nasal Snare is an ergonomically designed surgical instrument helpful for nasal cavity pathologies. It features a snare loop at the end that is used to encircle the lesions and nasal polyps. German stainless steel makes this instrument reusable after sterilization.

Multiple SKUs Available

Wilde (Bruening) Nasal Snare

The Wilde (Bruening) Nasal Snare is specially designed to assist surgeons in removing pathologies of the nasal cavity. The snare loop on end helps encircle and excise the polypus and other lesions in the nasal cavity. The handle with a separate thumb ring ensures maximum control.

Multiple SKUs Available

Prepared Nasal Snare Wires

The Prepared Nasal Snare Wires are ideally manufactured to efficiently remove polyps and other tissues from the nasal cavity. Their thick diameter makes the procedure more smooth. For surgeons’ convenience, these wires are available in packs of 12 with different sizes.

Multiple SKUs Available

Nasal Specula  

Vienna Nasal Speculum

The Vienna Nasal Speculum is specially designed to help surgeons retract and expose nasal tissues in rhinology procedures. It’s ideal for nasal packing and foreign body removal. German stainless steel makes this instrument high-tensile and reusable.

Multiple SKUs Available

Halle Nasal Speculum

The Halle Nasal Speculum is an ergonomic endoscopic nasal surgical instrument. It is used to retract and inspect nasal walls and air passageways. We offer this instrument in multiple variations to accommodate surgeons’ needs.

Multiple SKUs Available

Cottle Septum Speculum

The Cottle Nasal Speculum is designed to assist surgeons in multiple surgeries, including septoplasty, rhinoplasty, and endoscopic nasal procedures. It’s helpful in retracting the nasal walls to access the nasal cavity.

Multiple SKUs Available